Harald Bretschneider
“They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”
(Old Testament, Micah 4)
Alois Dubec
"In May 1945, we were on standby duty with the Royal Air Force. We were waiting to be sent to Prague for help."
Naftali Fürst
"Our parents had inculcated in us not to give up hope and to believe that we would survive. Anything else was inconceivable to them."
Władysław Frasyniuk
"Our overarching goal is the resurrection of the trade union, the return to a functioning trade union pluralism in Poland ... and to fight for democratic electoral rights.”
Werner Gumpel
"It was with the little things one could survive, if one got along with the right people."
Miroslav Hampl
"I thought I'd done a good deed."
Ivan Kieslinger
"Be prepared! This is a Boy Scout motto, but here it meant being equipped for everything..."
Dietrich Koch
"The accused has not confessed to the essential points of the criminal conduct charged against him."
(from the judgement of 13.03.1972)
Imre Kozma
"We just did, what was right."
Sándor Milován
"Not many people in Carpathian Ukraine in 1956, dared to speak publicly about the Hungarian Revolution."
Jerzy Podlak
"In pairs or in fours, we picked up corpses from heaps of rubble and put them in a wagon. It was a terrible job."
László Regéczy-Nagy
"British captivity was the first encounter with democracy."
Dalma Špitzerová
"Death was always near us - so we put on an act."
Zofia Teliga-Mertens
"Nothing is so difficult that it cannot be overcome."
Alžběta Vargová
"Only Jews gave our people bread."